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Massage Dental Chairs

Our dental chairs all have massage function and it will relax you during your

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Nitrous Oxide

For patients with dental anxiety, Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) is available during the dental treatment. Nitrous Oxide can help patients feel more relaxed and at ease. You will not need a driver for the appointment.

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Cone Beam Computed Technology (CBCT) is the most contemporary imaging technique that allows for a three-dimensional view of the area of interest. With traditional xray radiographs, only a 2D image can be seen. 3D imaging enhances our ability to diagnose, provide appropriate treatment recommendations, and care for our patients. We are very cognizant of the effects of radiation and we keep patient radiation exposure to “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA).

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All our procedures are performed under the microscope for greater magnification, precision, and clarity. Often times, we capture images taken under the microscope and we are able to share our findings with you and your referring dentist. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.